Field Settings
Each conditional field you create will have a number of settings. Some of these settings are required, and others require a certain format. These instructions will help you understand what each field is looking for.
- Delete: To delete a field you no longer wish to use, click the checkbox near the word Delete in the section containing the unwanted field. Then click the Update Field button below.
- Technical Note: The field will still exist in the database, and any previous orders containing this field will still display the deleted field’s data. Deleting a field simply prevents it from being displayed in the admin settings, and the order page.
- Sort Order: Use this field to control the order that your fields are displayed on the checkout page. Fields are ordered low to high, so a field with a sort order of 1 will show up first, and a field with a sort order of 2 will show up after that. Each field must have a unique number otherwise the fields will not display correctly on the checkout page. By default all fields will start with a sort order equal to their field ID, however you can change this order if necessary.
- Disable Input: If you want to prevent customers from changing the text in the conditional field, check this box. For example, this can be used to display terms and conditions text as placeholder text in a text area.
- Required Field: Set whether or not the field must be completed by a customer before checking out. If collecting information that is critical to the order, you should make the field required. Otherwise, if the order can be completed without the information you are asking for it is usually OK to make the field optional.
- Error Message: This is the text that will be displayed to the customer if 1) Required Field is set to “Yes”, and 2) the customer does not complete the field. You may want to provide specific information to the customer telling them which field must be entered before they can complete their order.
- Repeat Field: This option allows your field to repeat for each quantity of a given product in their cart. You must have “Item Quantities” checked in EDD > Settings > Misc tab to use this feature.
- Title (Required): This is the field that will be stored in the database along with your customer’s input. Without this field the plugin will not be able to retrieve your customer’s input and you will likely only see the word “Array” where the input should be on the customer order.
- Hide Title on Checkout: While the Title field is required for the plugin to function properly, it is not always desired (or needed) on the actual checkout page. Checking this box will hide the title from the checkout page so you can use other fields such as the Field Label, or Placeholder Text to describe what you are looking for in the field to the customer. The title you set will still display in the payment history, so make the Title meaningful.
- Products: Enter a comma separated list of the product slugs that should control the display of the conditional field.
- You can find the product slug by clicking on Downloads in the left menu, then click Quick Edit under the download you want to retrieve the slug for. The slug will be displayed below the Title.
- Tip: To temporarily prevent the conditional field from displaying, but to also retain the other settings, simply clear this field.
- Categories: Enter a comma separated list of the category slugs that should control the display of the conditional field.
- You can find the category slug by clicking on Products, then Categories in the left menu. The slug should be listed next to the category name.
- Tip: To temporarily prevent the conditional field from displaying, but to also retain the settings, simply clear this field.
- Input Type: There are seven different input types available. Please see the Input Types help document for more information.
- Select Options: When using the Select Menu, Radio Button, or Checkbox inputs, the options presented to the customer should be entered here. Each option must be entered on a separate line.
- Field Label: This field is optional, but it provides a way for you to input additional text that you may not want to enter in the title field. This text can be used to provide instructions to the customer about how they should complete the field.
- Placeholder Text: For text box and text area fields, you can enter placeholder text in the field as a guide to help customers fill in the field correctly. For example, if you are asking for a website address the placeholder text might be “”. This is similar to the default text that is shown in the Order Notes box.
- For select menu fields: This will be set as the default option in the menu, which can indicate something like “Choose an option”. If the select menu field is set to be required, and the customer selects the placeholder option, it will trigger the error message.
- For radio button and checkbox inputs: If this value equals one of the options in the Select Options field, it will choose this option by default for the customer.
- Class: Allows you to set a custom class on the input so you can apply CSS styles to it if you choose to do so. This is optional, and usually not necessary.