Where Do I Enter My Licence Key?
When you first install Quick Checkout, you will need to enter your license key. This can be done from the Quick Checkout settings page.
On the Quick Checkout settings page, click on the License link below the main tabs.
Copy and paste your license key into the field provided on the settings page and click the Activate License button.
Where do I find my license key?
Your license key was emailed to you when you purchased the plugin. If you do not have this email, you can also get it from your account.
To obtain your license key from your account:
- Login to your account.
- Click View Licenses from the Purchases tab.
- Click the key icon next to the product name.
- The license key will open in a small box. Click anywhere inside this box to highlight the license key, then press CTRL+C (Windows), or CMD+C (Mac) to copy the key.
Why should I enter a license key?
Your license key enables you to receive updates as they become available without having to download the plugin and install it manually.